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Programmatic advertising, also called “programmatic marketing” or “programmatic media buying,” refers to the process in which a marketer or brand purchases ad space via an online platform that uses complex algorithms to target ideal customers and deliver relevant ads during their online experience.


Below is an look at Programatic Digital Advertising as explained by IAB

What IS progammatic advertising?

Progammatic video ads

In-stream Videos


Anyone that has spent even a second on YouTube should be familiar with what In-stream videos are. There are three main types of In-stream videos. There are pre-roll, mid-roll, and post-roll videos.


Pre-Roll Videos


In-stream ads are the ones that play before you start a video. They run anywhere from 15-30 seconds generally. They could be longer if they have a link the viewer can click to skip the ad after it’s run for at least 15 seconds.


Mid Roll Videos


These are video ads that run in the middle of a piece of video content. Think of it as similar to a TV commercial that runs in the middle of a traditional television show.


Post Roll Videos


These are video ads that run at the end of a piece of content. In this example, you’ll see a yellow blip at the end of the video’s progress bar.


In Display Videos


An in-display ad is a YouTube video ad format that appears in search results, related videos, watch pages and Google Display Network sites as a thumbnail image and promotional text.


Progammatic display ads

While the term ‘display ads’ is used to refer to any form of online visual ads, in the context of programmatic ads, only the ads placed at the header, footer, or sidebar are considered display ads.


Advertisers and publishers work with display networks such as Google, Microsoft, or Snapchat to facilitate the buying and selling of ad slots. Publishers generate revenue based on the clicks and impressions data collected by the display network.


Here is an example of a programmatic display ad. The following visual was a part of The Economist’s ad campaign. The campaign consisted of 60 such creatives that targeted users based on the reading preferences of potential Economist readers/subscribers.

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